Sunday, July 12, 2009


I was dreaming, don't know what time of night. The dream was beautiful, astounding, marvelous. It had the sense of peace, serenity and calmness as if you do not need anything else. I was amongst all of my closest friends, surrounded and walking in a blissful morning in a plateau full of greenery. Just plain greenery, beautiful warm sunlight spread all across, music of fresh water spring somewhere nearby as if soothing your heart. I thought, oh God, I just want to be in this state forever. Is this eternal piece? Its the moment I always cherished, nothing to worry, no hunger, no work, no stress, nothing, just plain peace and peace and serenity. I have everyone, all friends, everyone I have nearby, this is what I wanted for my entire life. The horizon is looking serene too, conglomerated with the greenery and the greenish yellow tint that the sunshine has created.

... ... ...

Time passed by for some time in this, but slowly the peacefulness in me is getting converted to irritation, I don't know the reason. I am getting agitated, agitated with my friends, agitated with the nature. Is this calmness for long hunting me or is it something else, like a signal before the storm. May be the later was true, in the midst of a brightly lit sunny day, dark clouds started mocking at me. Before I realized, I found that my agitation mixed with my ego, my negative traits, has turned into a monster dark cloud. That is hovering over the brightness of the Sun. Now its growing like a monster, big and strong, I am afraid of that, its full of darkness, thunderstorms are coming, I am trying to escape the lightnings. I am afraid, running like a dog who can not face its opponent who is more powerful, I am running forgetting all friends, running everywhere. But this opponent is created by myself, my traits which I failed to control. I am feeling so low of myself, my self esteem is gone. I am ashamed to show my face to my friends, they are bearing all this because of me too. I am running away with all my force, but the monster grips me, its is going to kill me, oh God, save me please. I became unconscious.

... ... ...

Suddenly after sometime, when I got back my consciousness, found that the thunderstorm is over, the serenity is not like earlier, but its still peaceful. The thunderstorm just had an impression for a small moment, but now the plateau looks more beautiful. And all friends are around me, telling how they restored me from the thunderstorms. This is more beautiful, much more that the serenity in the early morning. It may not be the same, but its much more meaningful now for me. Its so strange, despite me succumbing, initiating and causing all the trouble, all friends are still with me, they saved me, and we are in a much greater friendship now, which can not be broken anymore. I am indebted to all my friends forever, to everyone whoever has helped me anytime. And those friends who had saved me from this monstrous thunder, I cannot describe how much I owe them. I am still feeling low as why I ran away leaving all of them to face the wrath of the thunder (AFAIK created by me).

... ... ...

My sleep broke, its early morning, Birds are chirping, the chanting of mantras from nearby temple is soothing.

Later in the day I told Anwesha the dream. How I got saved, and she was there too to save me amongst few others too.

I asked, "Why did friends save me when I caused them the trouble, when I left them and started running?"

"That is why friends are for, they do not desert you even if you have committed mistakes and even if they are in deep water because of you. Just make sure that, if ever you face that situation in real life, do not run away, face the thunder, face the monster along with your friends, you are sure to overcome it. Everyone commits mistakes, without mistakes how can you learn, so do not think much what you had done bad, how you had hurt others, think what you can do in future. Life is more beautiful when you overcome obstacles together, not when you are in serenity without any event, nor when you runaway. Face it always, true friends will be always by your side whatever the situation may be." ... Anwesha said with a jovial voice.

P.S. This is a completely imaginary dream, though at times I feel like this