Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Death of a fat potato, bring on the slim and sensible one

"You potato, u have nothing in your brain" .. told an agitated Anwesha

We were arguing on nothing specific, mostly because of my fat headedness and tubelight like nature, unable to grasp the subtle things easily.

I thought seriously for a moment .. "Yeah, may be it is true, I have grown insensitive towards everything, dipped in selfishness or ego or whatever may be".

But still my ego kept on provoking me.

I retorted back "Cmon, what can I do, I am not able to understand, confused, thats why I am doing mistakes"

"Yeah, yeah, you confused soul, the potatoes have captured your brain, always confused, your brain neurons are not functioning because you are eating lot of potatoes, they have grown fatter, and they are not able to carry any signal anymore." Anwesha retorted back

"Hmm .. very true, it is high time I change my attitude", I thought.

"So what should be done to get rid of the fat potato", I asked with curiosity and quizzical nature.

"As long as the fat potato brain exists, nothing is gonna happen, that fat potato must die" .. Anwesha said.

"But, how can I die and change" .. I was confused again.

"See, you moron, not able to understand this much, everything taking up to yourself literally" .. Anwesha retorted back.

Somehow my tubelight head started glowing ... may be more voltage flow happened somehow
I understood the meaning finally.

"Oh, so you want the death of the fat potato headedness like attitude, hmm .. its a thing to ponder" I told.

"There is nothing to ponedr about, its a split second decision" .. Anwesha told.

"Very true" I thought. "Why the hesitation, bring on the slim and sensible one now on immediately."

With tons of determination, I have killed the fat potato ruthlessly.

From now on, a new slim and sensible one is going to appear permanently :)

1 comment:

S.Ach said...

How did you kill the fat potato? And how do you know it is gone for good?