Friday, May 29, 2009

Conversation - Part 2 (just some humor)

Ring ring .. Ring ring .. My mobile is ringing. I ran to answer.

"Hello, Good Morning", voice of Anwesha came from the phone.

After few minutes of conversation ...

"Did you have your breakfast?" I asked.

"No, I just had some raisins".

"Oh good, raisins are good for health in the morning, how much raisins did you take, did you put in water and take, some people do like that", I asked with some curiosity.

"I took 4 raisins", Anwesha said.

"Did you tell four?"

"Yes, four".

"Only 4, ... ", I was confused, how can someone take only four raisins in the morning.

I started laughing .. ha ha ..

"Why are you laughing so much"

"You took only four raisins, thats it"

"Yeah, so you are thinking that I am eating like a kid? and laughing, very bad"

"Well, actually I was thinking of comparing with something else, but leave it I am not telling".

"If you do not tell now, you are not talking to me anymore", she threatened.

"ok ok, actually I was thinking of comparing you with some mini creature like a bird or so".

"Yeah, yeah, I am a mini bird, and you finish potato baskets in the morning"

The argument went on for sometime before we started normal talking again.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In the evening that day,

"Today is Thursday, coming Saturday evening they are showing a good movie in TV that I was telling you last week, we must watch that this weekened ". Anwesha pinged me in messenger.

"Oh good, yeah we can watch that"

"Tomorrow evening you are coming to my home right"

"Yeah, I am"

"That movie is very good, anyhow we must watch it"

"Yeah sure"

After few more related conversations ..

"I am eagerly looking forward for tomorrow evening", Anwesha told.

"Oh, but I thought u told the movie is on Saturday evening, tomorrow is Friday"

"Yeah movie is on Saturday only"


"What then?"

"Why are you looking forward for tomorrow evening?" I asked innocently.

"You moron, you dont know this, I dont know how all of you guys think the same, Men are hopeless, they are morons, can not understand anything."

"How will I know, tell me na"

"I am not telling"

"Please, tell na before you sign off, why are you eagerly waiting for tomorrow evening"

"Panipuri and potato"

"Oh, so you have got panipuris? Did you buy potatoes too, sure we can make panipuris tomorrow evening"

"Ufff, I dont know what to do with u creatures, you hopeless morons, u do not understand anything I tell, not even shoutings"

"Hey cmon, this is unfair, you changed context, we were talking about the movie, how the hell I will know, tell me explicitly na"

"ok ok, you hopeless guy, tomorrow evening we all friends will be together, that will be fun, you do not understand that much, men have nothing in their brain"

"Oh, I got it now, I am eagerly looking forward for the same too", I typed excitedly.

Anwesha snapped, "yeah, but finally men are useless"


The conversation continued ...

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