Saturday, May 23, 2009

Conversation - Part 1 (On friendship)

Me: "Why is it so that sometimes fight erupts even between the best of friends? Is it lack of understanding, or lack of trust between them?"

Anwesha: "Hell, no, there can never be lack of understanding between true friends."

Me: "Still, the worst fight, worst quarrel happens always between best friends. you can never quarrel to a great extent with an unknown person or an acquaintance. You can check history. There are so many instances. It goes even till harming to the core. Why, why do you always fight with your best friends? You do all kind of nonsense with them .. which should not be there .."

Anwesha: "You moron, don't understand that much, you can quarrel, can fight, can get angry on those whom you love dearly only, and they are none other than your best friends. You are talking about history, go and check despite thousands of quarrels, fights finally friendship prevails. Does mountain moves when a big thunderstorm occurs, it only establishes its presence even more, only mere trees gets uprooted. The friendship between best friends are like mountains, it gets strengthen only when some quarrel, fight in the form of thunderstorms happens, only non-true friendships like trees can not face the thunderstorms. "

Me: "But, its so depressing, every time I fight with my best friends, I lose my sanity, I curse myself why I did that, I do not forgive myself even though mistakes might be from either side. How to cope with this?"

Anwesha: "Whatever happens happens, that is part of friendship only. Small fights, even sometimes bigger ones keep on happening. No one is culprit in that. One should not think or get bogged down by those. It should only strengthen the bond forever. And you know, best friends do not care about it, they bypass the thunderstorms like passers by, and keep their head up like mountains. Its unmitigated. As long as you do not keep on regretting about the incidents, nothing will happen. The root of their understanding, trust can never be forsaken. You might have even fought for silly things, might have intentionally hurt the other, buts that's the part of a package named as 'true friendship'. Think that every quarrel is one more layer of plaster to your friendship. Just forget the past and go on."

P.S. Isn't is very true. So I have started forgiving myself and forgetting the past. I am looking forward to the brighter sunrise after every dark night.

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