Friday, May 29, 2009

Conversation - Part 2 (just some humor)

Ring ring .. Ring ring .. My mobile is ringing. I ran to answer.

"Hello, Good Morning", voice of Anwesha came from the phone.

After few minutes of conversation ...

"Did you have your breakfast?" I asked.

"No, I just had some raisins".

"Oh good, raisins are good for health in the morning, how much raisins did you take, did you put in water and take, some people do like that", I asked with some curiosity.

"I took 4 raisins", Anwesha said.

"Did you tell four?"

"Yes, four".

"Only 4, ... ", I was confused, how can someone take only four raisins in the morning.

I started laughing .. ha ha ..

"Why are you laughing so much"

"You took only four raisins, thats it"

"Yeah, so you are thinking that I am eating like a kid? and laughing, very bad"

"Well, actually I was thinking of comparing with something else, but leave it I am not telling".

"If you do not tell now, you are not talking to me anymore", she threatened.

"ok ok, actually I was thinking of comparing you with some mini creature like a bird or so".

"Yeah, yeah, I am a mini bird, and you finish potato baskets in the morning"

The argument went on for sometime before we started normal talking again.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In the evening that day,

"Today is Thursday, coming Saturday evening they are showing a good movie in TV that I was telling you last week, we must watch that this weekened ". Anwesha pinged me in messenger.

"Oh good, yeah we can watch that"

"Tomorrow evening you are coming to my home right"

"Yeah, I am"

"That movie is very good, anyhow we must watch it"

"Yeah sure"

After few more related conversations ..

"I am eagerly looking forward for tomorrow evening", Anwesha told.

"Oh, but I thought u told the movie is on Saturday evening, tomorrow is Friday"

"Yeah movie is on Saturday only"


"What then?"

"Why are you looking forward for tomorrow evening?" I asked innocently.

"You moron, you dont know this, I dont know how all of you guys think the same, Men are hopeless, they are morons, can not understand anything."

"How will I know, tell me na"

"I am not telling"

"Please, tell na before you sign off, why are you eagerly waiting for tomorrow evening"

"Panipuri and potato"

"Oh, so you have got panipuris? Did you buy potatoes too, sure we can make panipuris tomorrow evening"

"Ufff, I dont know what to do with u creatures, you hopeless morons, u do not understand anything I tell, not even shoutings"

"Hey cmon, this is unfair, you changed context, we were talking about the movie, how the hell I will know, tell me explicitly na"

"ok ok, you hopeless guy, tomorrow evening we all friends will be together, that will be fun, you do not understand that much, men have nothing in their brain"

"Oh, I got it now, I am eagerly looking forward for the same too", I typed excitedly.

Anwesha snapped, "yeah, but finally men are useless"


The conversation continued ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thoughts, Discussions and Incidents on IPL-2 Semifinals and Finals

IPL-2 finally came to the grand closure and I must admit overall the tournament was nothing short of fantabulous. Though myself and some of my friends were disappointed since our favorite team Chennai did not make it to the finals. But I must admit Bangalore played a better game on that day and kept Chennai's mighty batting lineup under control.

Anwesha started almost crying (not exactly crying, but that sad sad face with barely audible sobbing like noise) when it was evident that Chennai were on the verge of losing the match. "Why do they need to have a semifinal, Chennai (Chennai Super Kings) is a better team, they deserve to be in final, there should not be any semi-final, Delhi and Chennai should play final as they were the top two teams". sob .. sob. "Now Delhi is also out, I don't want Bangalore to win". More sobbing ..

This was partially true as some of the Cricket Pundits have mentioned in their articles in popular cricket sites too, its probably better to have only final instead of semifinal based on the league result, as we already have an extended league. And the overall best performing two teams deserve to be in finals because of the sheer uncertainty of the T20 format.

She was so nervous that she did not watch the match, kept herself busy in some work or other. Only asking for updates to us every now and then whenever crowd noise increases.

I started in my typical way, "Is this how you support your team, by not watching the match, Chennai lost because you did not watch when they batted, you are the main culprit". She extended her saddened look. I decided not to pull her leg more at this point, I refrained from telling any of my expert opinions.

During the Bangalore-Chennai match, one notable difference was the fielding of Bangalore. Bangalore players were as if in every frame, reaching out to impossible places, and taking superb catches with cool heads. Towards the end of the match, when Chennai were almost losing but still showing no extra commitment in field, Anwesha exclaimed, "Why are not they sleeping instead of running after the ball, instead of running and not able to collect the ball, if they sleep around the pitch in the field the ball will hit them and stop."

"Why did not Rahul Dravid captained Bangalore side, he should have captained so that Bangalore would have lost", Anwesha conveyed her agitation and frustration to us again.

"Kevin Pieterson should have been staying for entire tournament, he was such an inspiring leader that Bangalore was following the footsteps of Kolkata, now Anil Kumble came and all things started turning up", I started babbling my opinions too.

But finally Chennai lost and we all were sad. "Everytime I support some team, the team loses", I made my frustration clear.

Anwesha exclaimed again at top of her voice, "You were telling from the beginning that Chennai not playing well, now they have lost finally to Bangalore. I am going to kill you, you are the culprit (or was I the "match ka mujrim", no no I was probably the "mujrim amongst the spectators")".

She again started sobbing.

"These Chennai guys are hopeless in bowling and fielding, all of them gave away much runs." .. sob .. sob .. "I dont want to see bangalore in final", we just tried to console her. "Chennai team has lethargic attitude in fielding, lazy to the core, just like you ppl lazy in doing exercise whatever times I reiterate", she retorted.
I thought "Huh, sadness converting to anger on me, I should escape", I just tried to change the topic a bit.

In the first semifinal, it was a show of Adam Gilchrist. I was rooting for Delhi to win, but as usual riding on my support luck, the reverse happened for Delhi. But everyone thoroughly enjoyed the astounding batting prowess of Gilchrist. In the end, Deccan defeated Delhi, the topper of the league.

The day arrived calmly. Its the day of IPL-2 final. Hyderabad vs Bangalore. the bottom 2 teams of last IPL fittingly bounced back in the season 2 to become the finalists. We all eagerly awaited, so started watching from the extra innings (despite facing the torture of some boring analysis) itself as if we are glued to the TV set. We again saw the highlights of Semi Finals. Anwesha shouted at us at her full voice, "why the hell do you ppl want to see the stupid semi final again. I do not want to see bangalore playing Hyderabad".

We told, "well, after all it is the final, the big day".

"Ok, ok, watch, but whoever supports Bangalore today is not going to get food for dinner", She snapped at us.

I told, "Today I should support Bangalore, so that riding on my fan luck, Bangalore will lose".

She retorted again, "You can support whatever way you want, but if Bangalore wins, I do not know what I will do to you, I will roll you from top of a mountain, or probably ask an elephant to stomp over you".

"Huh, Bangalore, please lose today, else I am going to die", I prayed God.

The final started, with a bang from Anil Kumble. taking the wicket of Gilly in the very 1st over. What a drama, Bangalore ahead of Hyderabad in an instant. Looked like my luck was favoring for Bangalore. The game went on, Hyderabad batsmen put some spirited display, even tough Kumble, the menace kept on taking crucial wickets.
Though one moment that mattered is Rahul Dravid (the player to take highest no of test match catches, the safest of hand) missing a simple catch of Andrew Symonds. Symonds was on 5 at that time, he went on to make 33 at a brisk rate, that mattered in the end definitely. "At least my fan luck is working partially for bangalore, they are showing rare misfields", I exclaimed.
Anwesha just gave me a sharp meaningful look.

Hyderabad scored a paltry 143, well more of a fighting total. We all thought, "Alas, it is going to be another sad story as that of Chennai like yesterday".
Anwesha already went into that saddened mood, I observed, she went to start cooking, not able to bear the heat and intensity of the match.

Bangalore started chasing the fighting total, they started cautiously. But unlike Chennai, Deccan did not gave away easy runs at all. Deccan were simply outstanding in the field. Stopping everything that is possible, showing that extra commitment. True, wickets did not fall fast for Bangalore, but they were not allowed easy runs too, at least not inside the power play.

We watched, and watched, without missing the advertisements, or the repetitive zoozoo screamings too. I started giving live update to Anwesha (who was generously preparing dinner for us and was still in kitchen), every time Bangalore hits a boundary or a six or Hyderabad succeeds in taking a wicket.
The match got tensed and tensed, by midway it looked like Bangalore had the upper hand. We had almost lost our hope on Deccan, though cheering to every dot ball. Anwesha was running from kitchen whenever any wicket tumbled, unable to control the eagerness to see Deccan Chargers fighting back. But by midway, Bangalore was on top with Ross Taylor and Rahul Dravid playing well. Anwesha again sighed (she is not sobbing today, probably already given up completely), "Bangalore is going to win again, I can not watch this anymore, you ppl change the channel"

But, cricket is the game of uncertainty, any moment it can change the color. Rahul Dravid got out and then Symonds got rid of Ross Taylor and Virat Kohli in consecutive balls. We all were at our feet. Boucher got out too. We are ecstatic with joy now. Its now almost in Deccan's control.

"Bangalore should not surrender meekly, the match should go till last but finally Bangalore should lose (as if I am the script writer)", I told.
Anwesha passed me an angry look and told "yeah yeah, I know you are the one who is rooting for Bangalore to win, you never supported to Chennai, now you are not supporting to Deccan, I will hit you with whatever I find first if Bangalore wins".

But finally Bangalore lost their nerve in crucial moments. It was sad to see Kumble who fought so hard but let down by the batsmen. In the last over, it was RP Singh vs Robin Uthhppa. "I have full confidence on RP Singh that he will bowl well to defend, and so also I have enough confidence on Uthappa for his inability to hit", I explained at the start of last over. And as the story unfolded, Hyderabad won finally, they held their nerve. Welcome new champions.

I was visibly relieved that "Bangalore lost", else I had "motral fear" of getting hittings from Anwesha :) for supporting (fake supporting) Bangalore .

We all started jumping almost, when finally Deccan won.
"It would have been better if Chenani was in final or won the trophy, but I am still happy that Deccan won and not Bangalore", Anwesha exclaimed. She is finally happy a bit and we are getting our dinner. Oh God, I was so hungry, it was a relief.

We continued to watch the closing ceremony and enjoyed every bit of it. Personally did not like the chosen "Miss Bollywood", nor did Anwesha or any of my friends. "But she was selected by audience only", I told, "may be we are different from public".

The closing ceremony was grand, with Katrina Kaif adding to the toast with a sizzling number from Slumdog Millionaire. Anwesha gave her opinion, "I know you guys, you were just waiting to watch Katrina Kaif, from morning you guys were telling million of times". Well, it may be partially true, but I daresay, we wanted to see the prize distribution ceremony more :)

All ended well with Gilly taking Man of the Series and Deccan lifting the trophy. We all are ecstatic, filled with joy, happiness, enjoyment, and a little bit of sad as IPL ended.

P.S. Nothing personal against Bangalore team, its just that we wanted Chennai to win, but truth is that Bangalore came a long way under the great leadership of Anil Kumble and they deserve the win. Kudos to Bangalore team for such a great comeback. And we (including Anwesha) wholeheartedly know that Bangalore was the better team and they played better.

P.S. Congratulations to Deccan Chargers for playing wonderfully. Also congratulations to Bangalore for making into the finals

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Conversation - Part 1 (On friendship)

Me: "Why is it so that sometimes fight erupts even between the best of friends? Is it lack of understanding, or lack of trust between them?"

Anwesha: "Hell, no, there can never be lack of understanding between true friends."

Me: "Still, the worst fight, worst quarrel happens always between best friends. you can never quarrel to a great extent with an unknown person or an acquaintance. You can check history. There are so many instances. It goes even till harming to the core. Why, why do you always fight with your best friends? You do all kind of nonsense with them .. which should not be there .."

Anwesha: "You moron, don't understand that much, you can quarrel, can fight, can get angry on those whom you love dearly only, and they are none other than your best friends. You are talking about history, go and check despite thousands of quarrels, fights finally friendship prevails. Does mountain moves when a big thunderstorm occurs, it only establishes its presence even more, only mere trees gets uprooted. The friendship between best friends are like mountains, it gets strengthen only when some quarrel, fight in the form of thunderstorms happens, only non-true friendships like trees can not face the thunderstorms. "

Me: "But, its so depressing, every time I fight with my best friends, I lose my sanity, I curse myself why I did that, I do not forgive myself even though mistakes might be from either side. How to cope with this?"

Anwesha: "Whatever happens happens, that is part of friendship only. Small fights, even sometimes bigger ones keep on happening. No one is culprit in that. One should not think or get bogged down by those. It should only strengthen the bond forever. And you know, best friends do not care about it, they bypass the thunderstorms like passers by, and keep their head up like mountains. Its unmitigated. As long as you do not keep on regretting about the incidents, nothing will happen. The root of their understanding, trust can never be forsaken. You might have even fought for silly things, might have intentionally hurt the other, buts that's the part of a package named as 'true friendship'. Think that every quarrel is one more layer of plaster to your friendship. Just forget the past and go on."

P.S. Isn't is very true. So I have started forgiving myself and forgetting the past. I am looking forward to the brighter sunrise after every dark night.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A cup of coffee

"Why the hell you need to take another coffee now?" Shouted Anwesha at one of our friend. Poor guy having worked so hard whole day desperately wanted to have some caffeine in his blood to counter fight his dizziness. But she won't listen. Started shouting in a low mumbled irritated voice in her mother tongue.

We were at the Bengalooru railway station see off Anwesha and her husband. It rained a bit in the evening and the cool breeze of post rain weather was soothing and chilly. Anwesha tried to keep on proving her point that "another coffee should not be taken the same day at that late night". I exclaimed with my casual tone "Its fine, one more coffee would not harm that much, and anyway you are going now right, so he can have a coffee when we are going back".

She retorted with full voice, "yeah, yeah, you give him ideas, you people will not try to listen nor try to change, you yourself has become like a potato already, what else is remaining". For our reader's information, I have gained a few extra pounds and so also our friend has. But Anwesha seems to be pretty much strict about our food habits. She is right in a sense though, but its tough to give up your old habits.

I told "Well, a cup of coffee can do a lot of good things too, it can energize your body, mind and soul. (well not soul probably). I started calling a coffee boy who was taking coffee to sell in train".

"He was at least opting for a small coffee, now these cups are twice the size and you want him to drink double the amount of coffee? You guys are simply hopeless", she snapped at me. "Do you realize how much harm it can do? and you, it will energize your body and mind so that you will be awake whole night, go go, why one take 2", I got some mild shouting.

I was still trying to prove my point in vain that one coffee should be fine. The coffee argument went on till the train started. I will leave the decision to our readers whether taking a coffee at night time is fine or not.

But me and my friend came back from station, on the way back my friend took a cup of coffee defying the future shouting of Anwesha and also we discussed profusely how our coffee habits developed.

P.S. I am not going to describe what Anwesha said when she knew that we ignored her warnings and took coffee. That is a secret. You can guess the reaction of her or action whatever you can think of.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Random thoughts, observations and discussions about Indian Premier League

IPL-2 started with much hiccups, but finally started and is living upto the hype and expectations created. We all friends are happy when finally IPL season 2 started. At least something in the evening to do a nice time-pass.

Anwesha sighed the day IPL started! "My life is going to be hell for next 1.5 months".
Me and couple of friends reminded, "IPL is not the only thing. There are back to back sporting action starting from EPL, Champions league in football to F1, then ICC World 20-20 Cup and French Open and Wimbledon."
She looked devastated at our enthusiasm for sports.

"The worst thing about guys is they all like sports and nothing else, and they don't want to miss the damn advertisements too and the horrendous post match analysis.", she gave her innocent opinion.

I sympathized a bit. "What can you do. Guys are like that only. May be you should develop your habit in sports."

She retorted back. "I am not stopping anyone to watch the matches. I too watch. But why the hell the boring post match analysis? Why to hook on to it as if its the only source of entertainment".

I thought; well, its time we should respect her wishes. Not that I don't watch pre/post match analysis, but I don't like all analysis. But sometimes its tough to resist. Though I understood her agony by looking at her face conglomerated with anger, frustration and sadness.

Anyway, time went past and IPL went on and on. Controversies arose in Kolkata Knight Riders team. The fake IPL player blog made a big hit.

All teams except Kolkata played competitive cricket. Few matches went on with heroics of bowlers rather than batsmen. Extraordinary motivation, improvisation and stupendous cricket were observed for last few weeks.

Last years' bottom 2 teams Hyderabad (Deccan Chargers) and Bangalore (Royal Challengers) did well too. Though Bangalore team strive to retain their old position after the initial victory. All big names like Pieterson flopped big time and the team was kind of certain to retain its "Test team" pet name. But suddenly it started winning.

That day, match was still not over and none of us were believing that Bangalore will win.
I was telling, "Bangalore is competing hard with Kolkata, who can obtain the bottom most spot".

Suddenly Anwesha shouted with voice full of excitement (We had made her to watch the matches despite her reluctance to the core), "I support Bangalore, Bangalore will win today". We shouted, "What, have you gone mad my dear, even Bangalore team owners might not be thinking that". But voila, Bangalore won that day. I told her, "Mallya will send u a carton of beer for your support for Bangalore team.

But from that day, Bangalore had not done that bad. I made sure that Anwesha supports my favorite teams (Chennai and Mumbai, no particular reason about the teams, except I like M S Dhoni and S R Tendulkar) so that they qualify to Semis.

Its going on ok so far.

"Kolkata knows the art of losing", I told one day when Kolkata lost to Bangalore in last 2-3 overs to Ross Taylor. How can a team be so fragile and disoriented. I guess it is the most loosely knit team with lowest self confidence I have ever seen.

Just throwing big money or or funky advertisement is not sufficient to build a good team.

But finally, IPL-2 did entertain. Well, it obviously did not have the charm of IPL-1 since its in South Africa, but nevertheless, the IPL fever is on. Its a success, no doubt about that. I thank the organizers for bringing such an wonderful tournament.

The IPL fever is still growing and so also the agony of Anwesha. Though she is forced to watch and hear the analysis too. And I will make sure she reads this blog too. Not that she does not like sports, but excessive boring sports only she hate. But she is much better still bearing us :)

This much for today, will come back with more and also the opinions of Anwesha.

My little sister (contd..)

Dearest readers, as I had mentioned in my last blog, I had found an adorable little sister. I am naming her as "Anwesha" (This is not her real name, though her name also starts with 'A', but I will keep her real name anonymous). The reason for selecting the name "Anwesha" is her characteristics. She is always in the midst of the quest for something or other.

She is affectionate, sympathetic, tender, warm and kind hearted. She is passionate about few things, but she does value for others passions too. Words are feebler than snow flakes, she can never hurt her enemies too.

(Though recently we fought over many things, sometimes to some extreme too, but hey, who doont fight, at the end after all she is my mini sister. I can bear all fight with her and I know she can too.)

But what I like most about her is her intelligent, humorous, and childsh innocent remarks about topics that we discuss.

Her remarks will be part of my subsequent blogs regularly as opinions.

Welcome "Anwesha", welcome to my blogging world. I am keeping the right to put your remarks (might be distorted sometimes to suit my need [overall context I will keep the same]) in my blog. Your remarks will be part of my blogs. Welcome again.